Cheri & Josh + plus baby makes 3 !

Cheri & Josh + plus baby makes 3 !


 Watch the video here

Check out our Gainsboro Studio Couples-Maternity Photoshoot of  them!



Did I mention that my darlin' son and his lovely wife Cheri are due to have my first g-baby real soon? ... If I did, then you would have heard me saying something like;



"It's times like these, that being a photographer can be... well,  not only kinda fabulously handy...


but also a time that reiterates to me that I am one of the most blessed women alive. -


I am  able to work at what I love to do...


Capturing time and bottling it up in a package full of emotion, mingled with the very essence of what makes up our lives." Exciting times ...


....yup... pretty happy right now :)