
Matt Frewer

    Matt Frewer is someone who just enjoys his fans and it shows whether he is on stage talking to crowds, at a signing table, or as I found him backstage. Born in Washington but raised Canadian, he is an ambassador to the world of Hollywood and we should all applaud him. As a teenager he played a mean game of hockey, but was injured at age fifteen ending his hopes of a professional career. After graduation he tried acting. Trained in England he soon tired of Shakespeare.

    “Too many thee’s and thou’s,” he expressed.

    His unusual break with destiny came through voicing the character of Max Headroom. From there he retired the computer generated celebrity and moved on to movies and television. You would know him from Stephen King’s “Riding the Bullet,” “Desperation,” “The Stand,” and     “The Lawnmower Man.” He did voice over’s for the animated Pink Panther cartoon and starred in “Chronicles of the Paranormal.”

    His latest mini-series was Steven Spielberg’s “Taken,” where he played the hard-nosed G-man willing to kidnap little girls from their mother because they had alien genes. He mentioned that the actors working on the series were continually amazed at the special effects of that series being only a ten part television production. He plays a really good bad guy, which is so opposite of  his true persona.

    There are few people more down to earth than Matt.  He was willing to answer any question simply saying he had nothing to hide. Then he added, “If you ask something I don’t like, I’ll just refuse to answer.”

    We laughed about his upcoming but defunct Broadway appearance. The lead who he was excited to work with passed away suddenly, which he said put him on the unemployment line.

    He is a committed environmentalist being the spokes person for Rainforest Action Network. He spends his private time at his homes in Malibu or the Gatineau Hills of Quebec.